Ironing board

Ironing Care



The care label describes the allowable treatment of the garment without damaging the textile. Whether this treatment is necessary or sufficient, is not stated. A milder than specified treatment is always acceptable. The symbols are protected and their use is required to comply with the licence conditions; incorrect labelling is prohibited. A bar below each symbol calls for a gentler treatment than usual and a double bar for a very gentle treatment.


This mean's that your garment is suitable for ironing.

Iron Low

This indicates that your garment is suitable to be ironed on a low heat setting.

Iron Medium

This indicates that your garment is suitable to be ironed on a medium heat setting.

Iron High

This indicates that your garment is suitable to be ironed on a high heat setting.

Ironing Not Allowed

This indicates that your garment is not suitable to be ironed.

Steam Ironing Not Allowed

This indicates that your garment is not suitable for steam ironing.

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